Frequently Asked Questions


First things first…

Chamber Music Detroit cultivates world-class performances in acoustically superb venues. Our concerts are open to all and all are welcomed. Our listeners come from every community in Metro Detroit, span every age group, and are a mix of devoted patrons and first-timers. An evening of chamber music is always a memorable evening. We invite you to join us to listen together.

What do I wear?

Coming to your first Chamber Music Detroit concert, you might assume our listeners wear tuxes and ballgowns, and you may even see one or two, but the attire of our patrons runs the gamut. From students in jeans and a t-shirt, to lifelong listeners in suits, we’ve seen it all. We welcome you to our concerts as you are.

When can I talk?

It’s the horrible nightmare scenario in your head. You’re going to a classical music concert, will sit in silence for two hours and have no idea when it’s appropriate to clap. Not at Chamber Music Detroit! We are a social group of listeners who love to talk about anything and everything between works and in the lobby before, during intermission, and after the concert. Of course, when artists are performing we encourage you to just listen, but otherwise to meet and chat with some new friends!

When can I clap?

Clapping. The general rule is that you clap after a piece is complete, not between individual movements. So, if you notice in your program a piece with three movements and it looks like this:

The Best String Quartet Ever

Movement 1 (Don’t clap)
Movement 2 (Don’t clap)
Movement 3 (Clap!)

You only clap following the third (and final) movement. If all else fails, just don’t be the first to clap and you’ll be good to go!

How is it different from an orchestra?

In an orchestra there are multiple players per part, whereas in chamber music there is one player per part. In chamber orchestras, there are still multiple players to a part, but many fewer than in a symphony orchestra. 

Where can I learn about the music?

Signing up for our email list and following us on social media is a great way to learn more about the music and artists performing. Here are some emails from past concerts. We usually post program notes on our website 1 week in advance, where you can read more about the music, artists, and composers.

How long are the concerts?

Concerts last about 1.5 - 2 hours, which includes a 15-minute intermission.

When should I arrive?

Some of our patrons arrive an hour early, some 5 minutes before the concert. As long as you’re in your seat at concert time, you’re good to go. If you do arrive late, ushers will gladly seat you during a break in the music.

What else?

If you have other questions about anything pertaining to our concerts, feel free to give anyone at Chamber Music Detroit a call. We are always happy to have new listeners join us! Call 313-335-3350 or email