Claim Your Key,
Inspire The Future of Music

Funds raised will support the CMD Shigeru Kawai Grand Piano, an incredible instrument that will continue to inspire for years to come.

Key Club: $1,000 | Our Goal: $88,000


In 2022, Chamber Music Detroit acquired a rare Shigeru Kawai SK-EX concert grand piano for use by the artists on our Signature Series and other concerts. Over the past three years, it has been played (and signed) by Richard Goode, Jon Kimura Parker, Michelle Cann, Gloria Chien, and others – a living legacy of excellence on our concert stage.

Valued at more than $240,000, this important acquisition was made possible through a generous partnership with the Kawai Piano Gallery of Michigan, first working with the Kawai Corporation to subsidize the purchase, then by providing ongoing maintenance and moving support.  Additionally, a portion of the instrument’s underwriting cost is being reserved for a major naming opportunity that will be announced at a later time.

Now, to complete the funding for this instrument, we are inviting individual Chamber Music Detroit patrons and families to join the effort by underwriting one or more of the piano’s 88 keys, at $1,000 per key.  This “Key Campaign” will raise a total of $88,000 – putting us over the top and ensuring that this glorious instrument will continue to inspire and delight our listeners for decades to come.



Please make a tax-deductible contribution below, and a staff member will contact you to select your preferred key.

By Phone:

(313) 335 - 3300

By Check:

Chamber Music Detroit
440 Burroughs St. Suite 225, Detroit, MI 48202

Every supporter will have their name listed on their chosen key on a commemorative banner displayed with the piano - an enduring testament to your commitment to the arts.