What is Chamber Music?
So what is Chamber Music?
Photo by Chris Scarlett
Chamber music is instrumental music performed by a small ensemble with one player to a part. Ensembles can be composed of any variety of wind, string or brass instruments, or even a mixed ensemble that could include piano, harp or even percussion. The number of players varies and can consist of a duo, trio, quartet, quintet, or any size that is usually under ten players. The majority of chamber music ensembles do not use a conductor.
Chamber Music is an intimate experience, with fewer musicians performing in smaller performance halls than you may be used to. Because of this, you are more easily able to connect with individual performers on stage and experience something that is one of the most powerfully moving art forms.
Not exclusive to classical music, chamber ensembles can encompass any genre of music, from baroque to jazz, popular to rap. Take a look at our upcoming performances and BE MOVED.