
Exceptional visibility with an extraordinary audience
Exceptional Artistry • Influential Audiences • Intimate Venues • Uncommon Access
A sponsorship opportunity like no other.

Performance Partners

All Performance Partner levels include:

  • Recognition as a full sponsor, co-sponsor, or participating sponsor at the concert(s) of your choice

  • Recognition in advance promotion for the selected concert(s) (media channels vary)

  • Verbal recognition by the CMD President from the concert stage of the selected concert(s)

  • Full color advertisement in printed program book (size and/or duration varies)

  • VIP passes for sponsor and guests to attend a selected concert, or other CMD concert during the year (number of passes varies)

  • Artist meet and greets at selected concert

  • Recognition on website and print Performance Partner listings for a full year

  • Invitations to the CMD’s Season Finale Performance Partner reception (number of invitations varies)

Extraordinary Benefits

Select Performance Partner levels include:

  • Exposure in paid print, direct mail, social media

  • Lobby signage recognizing your sponsorship at your selected concert(s)

  • Corporate logo on concert program page

  • On-Air recognition during CameraMusic webcast

  • Choice of premium sponsorship dates (opening night, closing night, major stars)

  • Possibility of post-concert dinner with the artists (number of guests may be limited)

  • Possibility of sponsor-hosted post-concert reception


Performance Partners Brochure

Exceptional Artistry
Influential Audiences
Intimate Venues
Uncommon Access


Interested in being a sponsor?
Contact sponsorship@cmdetroit.org or call (313)335-3351